Hello and welcome to Maid In Business..

I’m so happy to have you here.

I look forward to learning more about you and your cleaning business and watching you grow and thrive!

Let’s start with a quick video showing how Maid In Business can help you start and grow a profitable and systemised cleaning business.

How to use this website:

You can search by category or keyword or skim the main blog page to learn more about a topic.

If you watch on YouTube, you will hear of free templates, paid resources and courses, and upcoming events, which you find more information about on the blog or via the private Facebook Group (Profitable and Productive Cleaning Business Owners)

Make sure to check out the resources page. for free and paid products to support the growth of your cleaning business and your business skills – from DFY (Done For You) templates to courses and masterclasses.

Subscribe and hit the bell on YouTube for a NEW video every Wednesday.

Topics Covered by Maid In Business:

  • Marketing – How to let the world know what you do and consistently attract new clients
  • Operations – The day-to-day running of your business
  • Sales – Close the sale and make the money!
  • Strategy – The methods and tactics to grow your business and automate it

Do you have a question about your cleaning business or need fresh eyes looking at a problem? Maybe you have a suggestion for a vlog or blog post you would like to see me cover? Contact me via the website by clicking here, or send me a DM on Instagram or Facebook.

How Maid In Business Can Help You Grow Your Cleaning Business

Work and connect with Maid In Business through free and paid products and resources, courses, ebooks, weekly YouTube videos, updates, and daily stories on social media, along with a weekly emailed newsletter to improve your business skills.

However you like to learn, there is a method for us to do that.

No matter where you are in your journey, I am here to help and serve you.


Turquoise background with a purple chalk board with the words let's work together written on it - maid in business blog

Maid In Business Links To Know:

Visit the Maid In Business shop with customizable templates, training webinars and workbooks, courses, e-books, and more. Save time and money on administrative tasks!
Visit the Maid In Business Amazon store for all your cleaning business and general business essentials, from Health and Safety and COSHH posters to office organisation and productivity tools and business books that come highly recommended.
Be coached by Kelly on a 1-on-1 basis to boost your profitability and productivity and regain a work/life balance – use my knowledge to get ahead of your competitors in a fraction of the time!
Are you just starting and have no budget yet? Join Kelly in a private Facebook Group and learn through the community how to make your cleaning business profitable and productive! Learn how to set and achieve business goals, streamline your business processes, improve your mindset and become a knowledgeable and confident business owner. Includes discounts on all other programs and templates for members.
Find Maid In Business on Facebook – For Blogs, training and tips for the savvy CLEANING BUSINESS OWNER.
Find Maid In Business On Instagram – For motivation, daily stories, thoughts, and behind-the-scenes.
Find Maid In Business On YouTube – New video content every Wednesday to learn the business skills needed to be a savvy, educated and successful cleaning business owner.
Want to know more about Kelly’s professional background? Want to know if she can walk her talk? Connect on LinkedIn. Wanna be nosey about Kelly behind the scenes? Go snoop on her Instagram!


A row of three lady cleaners wearing blue uniforms and wearing yellow rubber cleaning gloves. Taken from recruiting cleaning staff - what paperwork do you need from the Maid In Business blog