A little bit about me…

Hi, I’m Kelly, founder of Maid in Business.
I created this site to help Cleaning Business Owners just like YOU make your cleaning business profitable, manageable and scalable.
No gimmicks, no tricks, no blag.
With 10 years of corporate sales and business development experience and 14 years of operating a domestic and commercial cleaning business, I can walk my talk, and I can help you walk yours too!
Once you progress past a cleaning round of your own and have the need to take on staff to keep up with demand, you are starting to become a cleaning business and that is a very different beast to run and operate!
The same is true when going Limited, or VAT registered – I can help you build the systems to scale your business and have been through every stage myself.
It can be lonely and confusing building a cleaning business; knowing how to price up work, take on cleaners, grow your client base and keep everyone happy.
There’s so much new information to learn, with each new stage of growth and it can feel daunting.
I have been in your shoes.
In 2008, when the world was going through a financial crash, I quit my safe salary and all the perks that came with it, such as holiday pay and a company car, to start my own cleaning business…
After 14 years of hard work, lots of trial and error and working out how to systemise and automate parts of my cleaning business, I want to share my experience, know-how, pitfalls, and strategies with you!
I want to see you and your cleaning business succeed. I want to see kick-ass cleaners become kick-ass business owners and I want to help raise the profession of cleaning.
The Making of a Cleaning Business Owner
I founded my cleaning business in 2008, after a change in personal circumstances.
I had gone from one child to 4 in what seemed like a blink of an eye and needed to find a solution to work around the small people in my life.
Let me take you back in time
I had my first daughter at 17. I had dropped out of college to have her and started working waiting on tables to earn money. When I turned 18 I got a job working behind a bar, and it was there I met the chap who would become my first sales manager. I was serving their works party and as he came to settle the bill, he asked if had I ever thought of going into sales and handed me his business card…
After calling the number on the card, I attended an interview and got a job as a sales support. A few months into the role, I wanted to do what the account managers were doing, and I approached my sales manager. Luckily he gave that plucky 18-year-old a shot and allowed me to work on an old database of lapsed clients. I cold-called like a demon which eventually led to me finding and growing what would become the largest new business account in the company.
A career in sales and business development was born!
In 1999 I developed Ulceritic Colitis, and in March 2000 I had emergency surgery to remove my bowel, followed by another emergency surgery in November 2000 to remove my rectum and remaining colon – I now have a permanent ileostomy and am what’s known as a “Barbie butt” – y’know, smooth all the way round!
After my operations and recovery, I wanted to move on to external sales (on the road), and so the next chapter of life began. You can learn about my past career(s) on LinkedIn.
Fast forward to 2003 when I met my wonderful husband – I say met, we were already friends, but 2003 is when we became a couple. Craig had 2 kiddies from his previous relationship, I had one, and then we had one together, making 4…
So, going from one small to 4 was incompatible with my business manager role and the hours that came with the role, so I started to think about what I could do about it whilst on maternity leave with my youngest daughter. After chasing around 4 kids (aged 6, 4, 2, 0) and trying to keep on top of my home and endless piles of washing, I one day declared, “I feel like friggin’ Mrs Mopp in this house”, and so, a new chapter as a cleaning business owner began.
What Are My Skill Sets?
Sales & Business Development
Strategy & Planning
Team Building & Leadership
Systems & Processes
The Maid In Business Mission
I want to...
…help make cleaning business owners feel confident, achieve their goals and have a good work/life balance
I want to...
…help cleaning business owners feel as comfortable about business and sales as they do about cleaning
I want to...
…help educate cleaning business owners how to systemise their business to run without them
Do you have what it takes?
Not to be a party pooper...
…but as a full disclaimer: Running your own business is tough, in any industry.
Being the boss is fast and relentless...
You can’t switch off from being the boss just because it’s 5 o’clock or it happens to be a Friday.
If you have...
The energy, ambition and personal motivation to learn and do better for yourself, I can help you with the what you need to know
It will take a LOT of hard work to start and grow your cleaning business...
Don’t be disillusioned about that! There are no get-rich-quick schemes for establishing a successful business.
Together, we will...
Make YOU a cleaning business rock star – just don’t think it will be easy – as anything worth having is not easy, my friend!
Still with me?
Brilliant! Sign up for the Maid In Business Newsletter, subscribe on YouTube and connect with me on Instagram or Facebook!
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Thanks for stopping by and taking the time to read a little bit about me.
If your cleaning business is ready for growth, and you want MORE clients to make MORE money, sign up for the Maid In Business newsletter!
You will receive a FREE guide to 50 marketing tips to get your business rocking and rolling for signing up as a thank you.
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Ready to take over the cleaning world?
Let's go...
Kelly x

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This is my thank you for subscribing and as a taster of the good stuff to come. I look forward to getting to know you and your business better.
Want to see how we could work together? Book your free consultation call and let’s chat!
Contact me about your cleaning business needs and I will get back to you directly. Grow Your Cleaning Business – with an investment in coaching from £100 per month